Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Doctors, Daily Goals, and Dut-Duts!



In This Episode: John visited the doctor this week and finds out he’s low on Vitamin D and pre-diabetic. Emily did yoga for an entire month! YAY! Celebrate those Non-Scale Victories! Hurray! John’s special lady friend is his accountability partner! Do you have a place to check off your daily goals? Oh, the addiction to social media! Oh no! Learning new things is scary. From technology to nutrition. How much pizza can I eat … nevermind. Hey! We’re on Twitter! (@HateToWeight) If you’re not listening to Brilliant Observations, it’s one of our favorite podcasts! John’s always tweaking! #WinningWednesday was awesome, as always! Oh no! Soda has found its way back into Emily’s life! Soda is the awful ex you’re not supposed to get back with! (“u up?”) The Ex Diet: you heard it here first! Use at your own risk: Twinbody app Join our the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook and have fun with us! Links Mentioned: Find out those symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Samantha from I Shake My Head with Lisa and Sam H