Starfall Actual Play Podcast

What is in the Space Shuttle?



In this Episode of the Star-Fall Actual Play Podcast    GM’s intro:   Park rangers on war zod decided they are taking sides and are supporting the resistance. But their weapons are designed to fight big animals, not other power armour etc.   Terry, Lava, Mama Bear, Reza decided to deliver the goods to the forest. Remaining crew’s job is to keep the ship running ready for a speedy getaway. Received a message from unknown person, stating the church fleet is over our ship, orbiting, and we shouldn’t move. At this point, all electronic devices failed for an unknown reason. Dave’s arm did not fail for some reason. A church patrol got the jump on us, and we got captured. We all got tied up, arms behind backs, sitting outside our ship, bound to trees, in a clearing. Bound with synthetic rope that is cut resistant. Church also does not have any electricity or comms. At least 8 in the patrol, standard soldiers, no street preachers.   Xan tries sleight of hand to get out of ropes to church symbol, but fails.   Roll per