Starfall Actual Play Podcast

Episode 3 Season Two : Pills and Bad News



Star-Fall Actual Play Podcast is Back again  Hey folks!! I told you that we were not done podcasting yet? We have brought you another Amazing podcast episode of RPG Science Fiction Goodness  This Podcast Episode " Pills and Bad News" is Episode three of season two! I need to warn you that there is some Drug between some of the characters! I have to say this was some of the best roleplaying we have had so far in this series. I'm very impressed with the players and have awarded them some extra XP. The more and more I run this RPG Campain the less I have to do as a Gamemaster.  Reza has a new Hobbie  Mama bear & Dave punch it out!  Turbo Weasel breaks something  Primtel left a Disturbing message for Captian Terry  Arkady tries some of Reza's "Recreationals"  Related to the new Studio space.  Last month we had to move as our landlord wanted to turn our home into an apartment complex (seems to be a lot of that going on in Sydney)  Check out our friends at Steamrollers adventure Podcast!