Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Changing Your Mindset



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Tips. I wanted to talk to you today about your mindset. As you woke up this morning and were heading to work or going to your office or your desk at home, what were you thinking about? Were you thinking about the problems and the dramas ahead, that you might be facing in the day? Were you worrying about where your next deal is going to come from? Or were you thinking about the opportunity? One of the tough things about being an entrepreneur is that you must create every day from scratch, and there's no guarantee of payment. There's no security. And yet the great thing about being an entrepreneur is that opportunity is unlimited. So as you think about your day today, I want you to think, what are the opportunities that I should be taking advantage of? What are the calls I should make that will lead to my next big transaction? And what am I avoiding that if I just do it, I will have a successful day? So remember, think opportunity.