Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Structures And Systems To Build Your Real Estate Business



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Tips. There is something I keep hearing. I hear it as I travel across the country, and I've already heard it three or four times this week. "I need systems for my business." Great top producing agents are making terrific money, and yet they're saying, "I'm not sure where that next deal is going to come from. I hope I achieve my goal, but how do I create this predictable machine that delivers the same amount of production, month after month after month? I need to be sure this gets me towards that ultimate annual goal that I have set." This is probably one of the biggest challenges of the real estate business. In the book the E-Myth, which Michael Gerber wrote years ago, he talks about the entrepreneurial myth. Just because somebody, for example, is a great pie maker, doesn't mean there'll be a great pie shop owner. So there's a difference between being an entrepreneur and being a technician. The real estate business attracts entrepreneurs. I want you to ask yourself, are you truly