

Hello and welcome to Debbie's Tips. I was thinking about open house today. I know we've maybe talked about it in the past when you've gotten together with me, read my blogs, or gone on a webinar, but here's what came up today. It was more about the basics of open house that, as I was speaking to this great agent that called us enjoying coaching, and this truly is a great agent, they've been in the business for maybe 30 plus years. They work in a very high end market and they're extremely professional. I was asking them though, what are your open houses like? And they said, very, very busy. And I asked, well, how many transactions this year have come from open house? Actually the answer was none. And I said, talk to me about what you're doing for yourself to ensure that you have a successful open house and maximize the opportunity to get another listing or sale from each open house. Well here's what I found out. So the first question I asked was if they did any marketing, any targeted Facebook ads, any going i