Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

The Fear Of Failure #326



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips, and I wanted to talk to you today about the fear of failure. I wonder if the fear of failure is stopping you from setting bigger goals or tackling new things. I was on an airplane and I was reading an article in the Harvard Business Review and they had an article on this topic, a terrific article. Some of the points really made me connect it back over to what may limit performance in the real estate industry. If you think about it, fear is really worrying about doing something wrong. In our case, in a sales position, maybe it's the fear of being rejected or the fear of failing and having a major setback in a situation. I look at this and, in the business of being an entrepreneur where every day we're faced with challenges, I always tell my team, we're going to innovate. We're going to try new things. We're going to embrace new opportunities. We must be agile, we must be flexible, and we also need to understand that sometimes we're going to make mistakes. Another tip o