Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Effective Mail Pieces #323



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we're talking about effective pieces to mail to your past clients and sphere of influence. One of the things I love is a newsletter, although I’m not talking about an e-newsletter. Nothing wrong with an e-newsletter, other than only 20 to 25% will open it. And that's being optimistic. We know there's a large group of people that you might send your e-newsletter to that would never actually open or read it, but if you physically mail that interesting, informative newsletter, they are likely to lay it on the counter and leave it there for a couple of days. Now with most other pieces they won't do that, so we want to make to have a variety of interesting content. It could be home improvement-related, something to do with general hobbies, travel, you could have a recipe or a puzzle, and certainly at least one real estate article that's directing them to reach out and contact you for more information. Ideally, I would love to send that out monthly, but if your budget