Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Successfully Launching Into 2019 (Part 2) #312



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips and our series on ramping up for the new year ahead. So as you're thinking about your goal for next year, I would assume that you're hoping to make more money, right? And to make more money than just enough to get by, to just to pay our bills, which we all need to do - but wouldn't it be nice to have some leftover profit? I'm assuming that as you're setting your goals, you're planning to have some leftover profit. So as you're looking at that number, after expenses, after overhead, after taxes, what will you have left to put away in the bank or to put in your pocket? Then I'd like to ask you to do what we call, “spend it on paper.” In other words, sit down and think about what would be your use for every penny of that money. Now, it might be setting up a six month reserve account. It might be investing in a new property. It might be paying off debts. It might be taking a vacation. It might be a little bit of all of the above. The reason I encourage you to spend it on