Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Community Events #308



Welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips and today we’re talking about community events. It is important today to increase your range, your reach, and your influence in your local community. In fact we encourage our coaching clients to expand their reach, to expand their database, and to raise the level of their connections and communication with those prospects in their market. A rejection free way to do that is through community events. Now these events can be fun events, things like a family photo in the park, a pet photo, or maybe a concert in the park. A client of ours recently even hosted a day at the local small zoo, a zoo that’s small enough to actually close for a private event. They invited the community and they invited their past clients. So events like this can be fun and can be a great place for you to meet, greet, and reconnect You can also choose to put on an educational event. In our Inner Circle program, we provide an events planning kit for our coaching clients that has 8-9 different types of events.