Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Making 40 Contacts Per Day #300



Hello, it’s Debbie De Grote and welcome to Debbie’s Tips. You know, I had an email this morning. It was perfect, just in time for me to record this tip for you. It was a list of questions from a guy that we coach, a fabulous guy, who is all fired up and ready to go with a mission of making 40 contacts per day. Now, I get it, that that’s a big goal, and I get it that many people who would listen to this Debbie Tips, would not have an interest in doing 40 contacts a day or a plan to do so, but his questions were so valuable and appropriate, I’d thought I’d answer them for you on the Debbie’s Tips today. So, number one question that he asked is, do I count a contact if they’re a new lead, or does it count if they’re also people from my database, and does it count if they call me or do I have to make the outbound call? So guys, I want you to think of it this way. In a very pure sense, think of a contact as a live conversation, eye-to-eye or ear-to-ear, with a decision-making adult, that potentially could spark a