Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Will the Disrupters Make Real Estate Agents Obsolete? #291



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips, it’s Debbie De Grote. And today we are talking about the disruption that’s occurring in the real estate industry. So I guess if I had to have a title for this particular segment, it would be, Will the Disrupters Make Real Estate Agents Obsolete? So, of course, my belief is absolutely not, and here is what I mean by the disruptors. So we all know that the major real estate portals are going after the seller leads as aggressively and as extensively as they went after the buyer leads. So, of course, that’s going to change the real estate game to some degree because a lot of clients are going to go online and do their searches for data and information there. But here is the reason that I believe firmly that there is such a great need and such a great value in what you do. You see, while data is important, knowledge, meaning answers to questions, is helpful. There needs to be that wise adviser, that wise adviser that pulls all of this information together, sorts through, s