Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Powerful On The Phone #284



Hello, this is Debbie and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we wanted to spend a couple of minutes with you talking about how to be more powerful on the phone. You know I often talk to people who say, I'm really good in person but I just don't love the phone. Now I don't know that they’re necessarily talking about the fact that they don't love making cold calls, I think what they're saying is they just don't feel as confident in their communication skills over the phone as they do in person. And of course, that makes sense, right, because when you're face-to-face with someone, they can see your energy, they can feel the presence of you. So it’s not just your words and your tonality connecting with them. However when you're on the phone, now it’s all going to be relying on how much energy, how much passion, enthusiasm, and personality you can bring through that phone line. Now here is one of the challenges guys, you know when you are speaking on the phone only 15% of who you are, of that energy of you, get