Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Identifying Someone’s Personality Style (DISC Assessment) #279



Hello and welcome to Debbie’s Daily Tips. I’m here to talk to you today about how to identify someone's personality style, because you know, we talk so much here at Excelleum about the DISC assessment, and really recognizing the fabulous people that we have the opportunity to coach and work with for being unique and understanding their style. So, therefore, we always have our clients take the DISC assessment. We encourage them to have their friends take it, their family members take it, and unfortunately we’re probably not going to be able to talk their own clients into taking it, but if you can, please by all means, go right ahead. Send them to my website, excelleum.com, right there on the free resources tab, it’s going to pop right down. And as you know if you’ve taken it, it only takes about 5 to 7 minute and it’s easy, right? It will get you a full report, all about you. But let’s say we can’t ask our clients to take it, so how would we know, are they a high D? A driver. Are they a high I?  Extremely expr