Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Find Listings Now Part 1 #264



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we’re talking about the best tips to find listings – now.  I have about 20 tips for you, so since it’s supposed to be Debbie’s Daily Tips, I’m going to give you a few and then if you want to check back in tomorrow, I’ll give you a few more, and we’ll work our way through the series so I don’t overwhelm you. Call anyone that you’ve met with in the last 12-24 months who maybe decided not to list at that time. And see if you can spark them back into action. Call any of your own expireds, withdrawns, or cancelleds. Sometimes I know you feel a little bit weird about that, that they might be mad at you – but you know what?  They get over it.  It’s easier for them to go back to you rather than go to a stranger.  So why don’t you give them a call and see what they’re up to? Call or knock 100 doors around every listing that you take inviting the neighbors to a sneak preview of the home. This has been very successful for so many of our coaching clients.  The neighbors ar