

Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips! Today I was thinking, what if you chose one skill, what if one skill if you worked on to improve could have a significant and possibly immediate impact on your income? I find as I travel around to speak to agents across the nation, it’s very common to find that they are often in competition for the listings that they are trying to win. Even just today in a group of 200 agents that I was speaking to, over 90% raised their hand to admit that they did not have a well organized listing presentation. And then, that same 90% raised their hand to say that they usually did not pre- qualify their sellers! And most of them also acknowledged that they get stuck if they have to ask for the signature more than once. These were veteran agents, so just think about it, if they, if you, perfected your listing presentation skill and process, how much more money would you make?  And I wonder if you would prospect more because you would feel more confident about reaching out and prospect