
Sex and Celibacy: "I'm Good!"



Happy Friday GrUB Fam! Episode 3 of The GrUB-cast features Jasmine Clarke touching on a subject that is rarely discussed openly in our community as a whole: Celibacy and what it's like to be a woman and celibate in this day and age. Even more, we talked about taking control of your life, new beginnings, faith, and growth in becoming the person you always knew you could be. Sex education is a constantly debated topic in this country and while there are places that teach you about safe sex, and abstinence, we rarely, if ever mention celibacy in the conversation. So today we’re taking a deep dive into that topic. This has definitely been one of the most organic and vulnerable discussions I’ve had thus far and I’m sure you’ll feel that too. You will laugh, you will snap and shake your head in agreement, and you will learn. Guaranteed to be another great listen. Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on any and all of your social media networks.You never know who might ben