Live Life

Momentum Monday - Energy for a new week!



We need physical and mental energy as we embark on a new week. Let's face it, it can get downright exhausting as we fight for our goals. That is why it's so important to build what I like to call "life stamina". Life stamina is having daily energy to live life as strong as possible. If we are physically fit, we will have more endurance to do what's needed each day. I recommend a healthy dosage of exercise and activity everyday. This will help us build that "life stamina" that we need so we can keep charging after our goals and ambitions. We also need mental energy throughout the week. Meditation, a good book, a positive podcast, a positive person... Add these things into your life...DAILY! A happy and abundant life is completely in our hands. The work must be done to create this type of life. We just need consistent ACTION day in and day out to achieve great things. Let's have a great week! Peace.