Devops Mastery

Devops Mastery - Episode 14 Configuration Management - DevOps Tools



Configuration Management DevOps Tools are plentiful. So we will start this primer off with what I look for in a tool and why. Then we will talk about my current top paid and open source choices. When I am evaluating new tools in this class look at the following things: * Is it OS restricted? If I need to manage Windows Machines and it only supports Linux then the solution obviously won't work. * Does it support the application platform we need to support? This is generally more of an Enterprise problem where you are deploying Application Servers. * Can I write custom scripts? If we have a team that can or is willing to learn how to script we can fill in any minor missing pieces. * How much OS needs to be in place before I can start using it? Will the solution allow me to go from Bare Metal(i.e. no Windows or Linux) to fully installed? Or does it require that we have some basic level of an operating system. * Is it Agent Based, Agentless, or a Hybrid? I tend to lean towards Agentless