Fresh Hop Cinema: Craft Beer. Movies. Life.

184. First Cow // Beachwood (Long Beach, CA) // Toppling Goliath (Decorah, IA)



This week on Fresh Hop Cinema; Beer 1: "Simcoast to Coast" from Beachwood BBQ & Brewing Company (Long Beach, CA). Style: IPA. ABV: 7.1% Ratings: M - 7.1, J - 7.9. - Flick Picks: N/A - Film: "First Cow" (2020). Directed by Kelly Reichardt. Ratings: M - 8, J - 6.8 - Beer 2: "Sun Reaper" from Toppling Goliath (Decorah, IA). Style: Imperial IPA. ABV: 7.7% Ratings: M - 7.1, J - 5.8 - Inside Hot & Bothered: - Jonny - Mulan, Campfire Beers, Umbrella Academy (Netflix). - Max - New Musical Inspiration, "The Next Picture Show" (podcast). ------ Episode Timeline: - 0:00 - Intro & Notes - 2:55 - "Simcoast To Coast" - 13:45 - "First Cow" (No Spoilers) - 28:06 - "Sun Reaper" - 42:53 - Hot & Bothered - Please rate & review us wherever you listen to podcasts and, if you're so inclined, consider donating to the show via our Patreon page. Find our entire collection of episodes as well as written reviews of movies and beers at our virtual podcast mansion - Thanks to all our patrons, and the Handlebar