Fresh Hop Cinema: Craft Beer. Movies. Life.

177. "Shirley" // Almanac (Alameda, CA) // Ghost Town (Oakland, CA)



This week on Fresh Hop Cinema; Beer 1: "Barrel Aged Peach Sournova" from Almanac Beer Co (Alameda, CA). Style: American Wild Ale. ABV: 5.8% Ratings: M - 8, J - 9.2. - Film: "Shirley" (2020). Directed by Josephine Decker. Ratings: M - 9, J - 6.3 - Beer 2: "Ossuary" from Ghost Town Brewing (Oakland, CA). Style: Porter. ABV: 6.66% Ratings: M - 7, J - 7.4 - Inside Hot & Bothered: - Jonny - Borderlands 3, lake hangs, Target's Drive-Up service, REVIEW: "8:46" (2020). - Max - Lifestyle Changes, live music tease, REVIEW: "Captain Fantastic" (2016). ------ Episode Timeline: - 0:00 - Intro & Notes - 3:33 - Peach Sournova - 22:42 - Flick Picks Max: "Miss Americana" (2020) - 28:05 - Flick Picks Jonny: "13th" (2020) - 34:34 - "Shirley" (No Spoilers) - 53:33 - Ossuary - 1:09:50 - Hot & Bothered - 1:26:41 - "Shirley" (DANGER ZONE) - Please rate & review us wherever you listen to podcasts and, if you're so inclined, consider donating to the show via our Patreon page. Find our entire collection of episodes as well as