Living Over Losing

Ep 23: Being Your True Authentic Self with Micaela Kelman



We are back today chatting about a topic near and dear to my heart— being your authentic self. Why is it so hard for us in society to be honest with ourselves and with other people? In this episode we discuss: being honest vs. trying to fit a mold, getting rid of the “supposed to do things this way” mentality, anxiety and overthinking, why everyone is and should be different to attract like partners, how to give up people pleasing and why it is totally non-effective, living your best life and getting out of your head and much more. This is a passionate one for sure and definitely one anyone can relate to any sort of life struggle. Also, there’s a little bit of Shelbye roasting involved which is never a bad thing ;) Micaela can be found at @micaelakelman on Instagram Xoxo