Living Over Losing

Ep 05: “Damn The Diets” with Kayla Rose Kotecki



Today I am chatting with Kayla Rose Kotecki, author of the book “Damn the Diets” and an anti-diet holistic nutritionist who believes in balance and helping people to let go of control around food, exercise compulsion and body shame. In this episode we discuss: Kayla’s battle with the restrictive/binge cycle, extreme dieting and fad diets and why they never work, bikini and body building competitions, aesthetics vs. athletic performance, the scary truth behind the physiological changes an eating disorder can have on your body, how she got to a place of acceptance by letting go and surrendering from diet culture, how food issues and eating disorders can take on different forms such as addiction, how to deal with the real underlying issues, how to exercise again intuitively after recovery, the misconception of the body acceptance movement on being “extreme” towards the direction of “unhealthy” behaviors, the difference between recovery and being recovered and so much more! Kayla’s book, Damn the Diets, can be pu