Blazing Trails

The Fallacy of Feedback: A Conversation with Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall



“I’d love your feedback …” It’s a phrase we use every day. We say it to our direct reports, co-workers, bosses and customers. We think that feedback is what we need to grow as individuals and as employees -- but what if we told you that the entire way we think about, deliver, and receive feedback is all wrong?Joining the show today are Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall, coauthors of “Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World.” Marcus and Ashley have spent years studying the impact (or lack thereof) of feedback on teams’ success, and they have some news for us: feedback does not create growth. In this discussion, Ashley and Marcus share their learnings while writing “Nine Lies About Work,” the fallacy of feedback, and how managers should really be engaging with their teams to encourage growth in a meaningful way.