Blazing Trails

Introducing the Leading Through Change Series



As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 global crisis, companies of all sizes are facing challenges they never could have predicted just weeks ago. In an effort to help businesses manage through this crisis we’ve created Leading Through Change — a program of thought leadership, tips, and resources from Salesforce and our community of Trailblazers to help manage through the crisis.   Over the next 10 episodes of Blazing Trails, you'll hear from guests of all backgrounds; from comedian Trevor Noah, to award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, to small business owners Amy and Ben Wright, and many more.   In today's mini-episode, join safe-at-home hosts Michael Rivo of Salesforce Studios and Laura Woods, Senior Manager of the Salesforce Blog, as they explain what this series is all about and why these discussions are so important to have and share right now.   To learn more about Leading Through Change and to access additional resources to help you and your business manage during this global crisis, go to