Bringing Up Betty | True Tales Of Special Needs Parenting

Changing the World, One Cape at a Time with Robyn Rosenberger (BUB #13)



Above and Beyond It's so nice to have supportive people around me who feel like I'm doing something exceptional by being Betty's mom. But I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't feel exceptional. I feel like a regular mom who is doing what I need to for my daughter to have the best chance at a good, happy, fulfilling life. I feel like I'm doing what any other mom would do in my position. And often I feel like I'm not doing enough. Even though I feel like raising Betty is a great privilege for me and my husband, the day-to-day duties of caring for her are as routine to me as slapping together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your typical kid is to you. That doesn't mean it's not hard, but it is something that is part of our life because it has to be. A Super Big Mission Today's mini episode features Robyn Rosenberger, a mom who is going far beyond her motherly obligations in an attempt to change the world. And I feel like she's doing a pretty incredible job. Robyn is the founder of TinySuperhero