Cool, Calm, & Chaotic

Weights, Whiskey, & Rabies! w/ Fink! #210



Checkout Episode 210 of Cool, Calm, & Chaotic Where The One and Only Chad Finkbeiner Returns To Not Only Chat About Life, But In True Fink Fashion Comes Bearing Ideas That Depending On How You Look At It Could Be Considered 'Good' or 'Bad', 'Smart' or 'Dumb'… But For Sure 'Fun'! We Lift Weights, Share Beverages, and Talk About Everything From Working Out, Losing Imagination, Being Old School, Mixing Drinks, Getting Rabies, & Much More! Stick Around For The Fun, You Are Going To Love It!  Topics Include… ✔️ What's Been Up With Think Lately ✔️ A New Idea That Involves Weightlifting & Whiskey ✔️ Finding Ways To Make Working Toward A Goal Match Your Willingness ✔️ Not Being So Stringent That You Forget To Enjoy Life ✔️ Making Adjustments For Grown Men Lightweights ✔️ Reminiscing On Old Jobs and Living Young ✔️ Semi-Unstructured Workouts For Progress Without A Burden ✔️ Seeing Time Beyond The Dollars ✔️ Getting Good At Lots of Things Because It's Fun ✔️ Technology Gets Put Down A Lot, But It's Probably