Cool, Calm, & Chaotic

Paving A Middle Path! #191



This Episode Is Cool, Calm, & Chaotic Rambling Rant About Making Decisions.  After Thinking A Bit About The Trap of Being Indecisiveness and How It's Really Becoming A Pandemic It Turned Into A Spur of the Moment Unloading of Thoughts On The Topic. There Is Virtually Nothing Good About Being Indecisive… It Causes Stress, Fatigue, Low Confidence, Low Self-Esteem, and Learned Helplessness... It's A Vicious Cycle and It's For Sure A Pandemic of Its Own.  Aside From Talking About That We Do A Catchup On All Things Life Recently, Traveling, Dope Breweries, Old School Video Games, Steely Dan, Paving A Middle Path, Super Tennis, and Much More! … As Usual There's A Whole Lotta Other Fun And Just It's Another All Around Good Time! So Stick Around, You’re Gonna Love It! Topics Include… ✔️ What's Been Happening In Life From The Past Week ✔️ Good People Working In Good Establishments ✔️ Old School Video Games & Vinyl Records Make Life Better ✔️ Watching All of The Marvel Movies In Chronological Order ✔️ Being Dec