Cool, Calm, & Chaotic

Haircuts, Words, & English Muffins! #189



Checkout Episode 189 of Cool, Calm, & Chaotic! This Episode Is About The Significance of The Words We Use When Talking To & About Ourselves.  Sometimes It's Overhyped and Sometimes It's Spot On… Where Do Your Words Stand? This Is Just My Thoughts On The Matter and My Advice For How We Can Turn Our Talk From Negative To Positive Which Can Propel Us Into A Completely Different Frame of Mind.  There's A Lot of Different Things In This Episode… Everything From New Fresh Haircuts, Good People, The Perfect Breakfast Sammy, Self Doubt, Not Lying To Yourself, Speaking Words of Life, Action Begetting Momentum, and Much More!… As Usual There's A Whole Lotta Other Fun And Just It's Another All Around Good Time! So Stick Around, You’re Gonna Love It! Topics Include… ✔️ Talking Life From The Past Week ✔️ The First of Three No Holds Barred Haircuts ✔️ Why You Need To Go To The Detroit Barber Co. ✔️ Good People Make Every Situation Better ✔️ Creating The Perfect Breakfast Sammy Begins With The Right Bun ✔️ The Words