Graduate Job Podcast

#82: The Pros and Cons of a Graduate Scheme



Hello and welcome to the 82nd episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, the UK's number 1 careers podcast. I have a very special guest today who will entertain you with their silky and dulcet tones…..Ok, maybe I don’t, as today you just have the pleasure of yours truly to take you through the pros and cons of getting a job on a graduate scheme. You know how it is, there is lots of money spent marketing the big graduate schemes, they come and travel round to your universities on the Milkround, they have the glossy adverts in the careers magazines and the Times Top 100 Graduate employers list, but are they worth all of the effort and energy it takes to get them?  I explore in detail the reasons why you should apply for a graduate scheme and also some reasons why they might not be the best place for you to begin your career. We delve into the advantages offered by companies on their graduate schemes and also the disadvantages you will face on them. At the end of the day it’s always going to be a personal choice as to