Graduate Job Podcast

#39: 18 ignored and unusual ways to get a graduate job, with Matt Hearnden



In episode 39 of the Graduate Job Podcast, I am joined by author and Career Coach Matt Hearnden, as we discuss his latest book ‘18 ignored and unusual ways to get a graduate job’. As a former graduate recruiter Matt has a wealth of insight into how you can get a graduate job, whether with one of the big graduate schemes or a small start-up. We delve into some of the 18 unusual tips from his book which range from ideas to help you think about what you really want to do, and what’s important to you in a job, to tactical tips which will ensure that you stand head and shoulders above all of the other applicants. It doesn’t matter where you are on your job search, or the type of company you are applying to, there is something in this episode that will help you bag that job. As always, all links to everything we discuss and a full transcript are available in the show notes at As an added incentive to head over there, you can download a free copy of the book itself. Yes that’s free,