805live! With Spike And Drew

8:05 LIVE with Spike and Drew Show 4



Episode 4 - We open the bar and then mention a little news. We're on iTune's New and Noteworthy! Yep, our podcast might mot be real high on the list, but damn it, we're there. We have a couple people to thank this week. Vinny at remotestudioservice.com has been a great help to the show both equipment wise and in getting the word out about us. Vinny is an audio engineer who can help with whatever issues you might be having, but he also designs and sells the Podcast Hotline Kit. This thing is a great inexpensive solution for podcasters wanting to do phone interviews in their shows. Also, we want to thank jimstoybox.com for the interview he has upcoming with Spike. In other news, Gena Davis turned 60 this week, which Drew finds weird, but he's fine with Eddie Van Halen turning 61. Go figure.Sadly Abe Vigoda passed this morning, but it was of natural causes at 94, so a life well lived to you sir.Some idiot stole bull jizz in Turlock Ca. and for the life of us, we can't understand.Football gets tossed around a bit