805live! With Spike And Drew

8:05LIVE! with Spike and Drew Show 2



SO here it is. We opened the bar and toasted Spike's dad, because Dangerous Dan is a great guy. Oh, and here's some news. WE"RE ON iTUNES!!!!Seriously. go to the iTunes podcast app and search for 805live! or just click on this link https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/805live!-with-spike-and-drew/id1073654050 and you can subscribe to 8:05LIVE! with Spike and Drew. We're pretty damn stoked about it.If you have a non-iTunes (Androids rock!) podcatcher, you can catch us at http://805live.libsyn.com/rss. ALSO, Like comment and share on our Facebook page, and we'll share ONE POINT FIVE BILLION dollars with you. Cuz we're gonna hit the PowerBall GOlden Globes is BOOBS! Also, Fondue is the west coast version of chislic. Spike actually is a 50% on Stump Spike after pulling out a win this week. And in libido news, Channing Tatum's wife wins the internet this week. Thanks for listening!