In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G




On today’s show we’ve got Dr. Tanginika, clinical sexologist, who’s going to help us dive into the realm of dangly bits. So if you own one or love someone who does, you’ll definitely want to perk up your ears and have a listen. Our conversation is also video recorded so be sure to check us out on YouTube because we use some great visuals. Here’s what you’ll get out of today’s episode: - The causes of erectile dysfunction for all ages (age is not to blame!) - How the brain influences erections and performance - What is premature ejaculation and what you can do about it - What is delayed ejaculation and tips to help you lift off sooner - The impact of prostate related health issues on sexual function - The difference between orgasm and ejaculation (hint, they’re not the same thing) - Sexual function post-prostatectomy