Tiny Fences: A Buffy Podcast

310: Amends



 "It's a WB Holiday Event!" according to the promo. The girls discuss Buffy's only 'Christmas' episode, which ends surprisingly happy for a Joss written/directed episode.  The big question continues to be why is Angel back? Andrea questions Amanda as to whether we know the truth or if the First was lying. The ladies also talk about some strong acting from David Boreanaz, who's been floating around the periphery for a while. (well, strong except for the less than great accent, and questionable hair/facial hair...) There's also some great discussion about how people are too hard on themselves, and are often better, stronger, than they give themselves credit for.  With amends being made in the Willow/Oz relationship as well, A&A get into a conversation about Oz's feminist side and whether Willow's really ready to do the 'thing'.  And lastly, any episode claiming a heat wave and then snow is obviously going to need some 'splaining' from these Canadians, who question whether California is actually familiar wit