Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

292: Sexual assault, oral sex, and regret after a threesome



tl;dr Bringing more racial nuance to sexual assault conversations, how to do oral sex when you struggle for breath, and how to deal with regret and hurt after a threesome.   Patrons who support at $3 and above, there are TWO bonuses this week at One is all about what people got stuck in their vagina, penis, and rectum in 2019. The other is about the science of biological sex by.... a biologist. Tune in and comment with your thoughts.   Be sure to send in your questions! I would love to hear from you. Use the contact form at   We start with some beautiful words by Heidi Preibe about loving someone over the long term. Grab the text and link at   I also mentioned my quarantine selfie which you can see at, too!   On to your emails...   Scotney, a fellow sex educator, wrote in with some additional nuance around Kobe Bryant, sexual assault, and the institutional and cultural racism that we need to acknowledge when we are sp