Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 268: Redefining love, healing from relationship wounds, & self criticism



Your pleasure matters. Join the July cohort of  my 5-week online Power in Pleasure course. Check out details and enroll at Welcome to this week's episode, it's a very special treat, but first! Did you know you can support the show? You can, on Patreon. The show is entirely self-funded, so every single dollar makes a huge difference for me. If you support at $3 and above each month, you get exclusive weekly content you can't find anywhere else and if you support at $5 per month and above, you can help me answer listener questions. This week's bonus is my chat with Adiposivity's founder Substantia Jones for the Explore More Bodies summit. We talk all about her project of photographing fat, naked bodies all around the world. Don't miss it! Head to to support the show and get your bonus access. So, for this week's episode, in the spirit of treating myself to a vacation and working as little as possible (thank you to the person who emailed me and said I deserv