Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 262: Samantha Manewitz on emotional abuse and gaslighting



Want to work with me? Join the July cohort of the Power in Pleasure course. Check out details and pre-enroll at In a Sex Gets Real first, this episode is Part Two of a THREE part series featuring Eve Rickert, Samantha Manewitz, and Aida Manduley. This episode is my conversation with therapist Samantha Manewitz. We build on the conversation I had with Eve Rickert in Episode 261, exploring emotional abuse and gaslighting in relationships. One of the things Samantha stresses in this conversation is how normalized gaslighting is in the world right now. We have the highest levels of power (the US President) gaslighting an entire nation, and none of us are immune. We also explore some things that help reveal behaviors that might lead to emotional abuse and what one word can change the way we enter into relationships. This is an important and powerful conversation about how subtle emotional abuse can be, and how to look out for DARVO which is how emotional abusers position themselves