Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 258: Healing from emotional abuse, a partner who doesn't want intercourse, & swinging



It's time to deepen your relationship with pleasure. Check out my new pleasure course which is enrolling now through April 29, 2019 (we'll enroll again in June!). It's called Power in Pleasure: Reconnecting with Your Hunger, Desire, and Joy and runs for five weeks online. I'd love to see you there. NEW: Transcript available at First, I apologize that this episode is so late. Between traveling, funerals, and getting caught up, it took a few extra days to get this uploaded and out to you. This week, it's your questions! We start with an email from Violet. She was in a relationship that was committed and kinky that turned emotionally abusive. She is working with a therapist to heal, but she's worried about getting back into the kink scene and about healing from the abuse. What can she do to take care of herself and to stay open to honoring her kinkiness? Then Ross sent a short email asking why his girlfriend used to have intercourse with him but now only wants to do hand sex and oral sex.