Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 252: A fiance who expects threesomes, anger management, & later-in-life first-time sex



NOW ENROLLING! Check out my new pleasure course which is enrolling now through April 22, 2019 (we'll enroll again in June!). It's called Power in Pleasure: Reconnecting with Your Hunger, Desire, and Joy and runs for five weeks online. I'd love to see you there. On to your emails! Kim wrote in with a sweet note about hearing a trauma story on episode 246 and how much it reminded her that she's not alone in her healing and trauma. Thanks for the support, Kim! Katie has a request. As someone who is a sex researcher and who does a lot of work around sex, the thing that shocks people the most is that she didn't have intercourse for the first time until she was 30. She'd love to hear more conversations about people who don't have sex until later in life and the benefits and struggles that presents. I have so many thoughts which include not only the importance of talking about this, but also how it ties to sex work and a sexually equitable future. Future Mrs. is three months from getting married but she's never b