Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

EMERGENCY ALERT: Censorship and social media banning



Sign-up to stay in touch with the show if we get banned from social media and iTunes. Sex Gets Real Book List: Explore More Summit: Enter the holiday giveaway for a hand-written Merry Clitmas card: Sweeping bans to social media means no more sex education. A number of sex educators have already had content flagged and banned on Facebook and Instagram. It may become nearly impossible for sex educators and podcasters to share their content on any social media platform because of FOSTA/SESTA. If you want to stay in touch if the show gets banned across the board, please subscribe using the links up above. Get your email address to me ASAP so I can save it offline and stay in touch. Supporting the show on Patreon is more crucial than ever - we don't know when we'll be kicked off the platform, too. Head to Folks who support at $3 get access to the weekly bonus content and if you pledge $5, you get to