Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 238: Birth, postpartum, and your inner jaguar



If you've been thinking about working with a coach around your desire, relationship, body, or shame, I am now accepting new clients and my rates are increasing January 2019. Learn more at The Fourth Trimester with Kimberly Ann Johnson Kimberly Ann Johnson is here this week to talk about birth injury and birth trauma, postpartum healing and nurturing, what cultures from around the world do to tend to folks after giving birth, and so much more. We explore changing bodies, cultural myths about "pre-baby body", and sex after baby. We also dive into her work around activating your inner jaguar - which is all about tapping into both prey and predator energy, healthy aggression, and shifting your relationship with anger. As I note in the intro to the episode, most of Kimberly's work is with cis women in heterosexual relationships, so you will hear that in the language she uses throughout. To help supplement that, I want to offer this article in the Advocate, "I'm Pregnant and I'm Not a Wo