Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Episode 236: Queer Kid Stuff



If you've been thinking about working with a coach around your desire, relationship, body, or shame, I am now accepting new clients and my rates are increasing January 2019. Learn more at This episode is sponsored by Simple Health, a new online service for birth control. You can have an online consult with a physician, get a prescription for birth control (even if you've never had one), and get your contraception mailed to you at no additional cost exactly when you need it. Listeners, you can get the $20 prescription fee waived by heading to or by using promo code SGR at checkout. Talk to kids about gender, sexuality, and social justice with Lindsay Amer You've probably seen the viral videos of Lindsay Amer's Queer Kid Stuff show because I've been seeing them EVERYWHERE. Of course, I had to reach out to Lindsay to talk about what they're creating because it's so adorable and important. We chat about Lindsay's coming out process, first as gay and more recently a