Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 235: Healing, resilience, & pleasure with Staci Haines



If you've been thinking about working with a coach around your desire, relationship, body, or shame, I am now accepting new clients and my rates are increasing January 2019. Learn more at Healing, survival, resilience, and how pleasure heals with Staci Haines Every once in a while, I have a conversation that brings things into focus. This week's conversation with Staci Haines one of those special experiences. I've long had Staci's book, "Healing Sex" on my shelf and used it as a resource for healing around sex. But speaking with her was a rare treat. We talk about trauma and oppression, surviving, and then move into a beautiful exploration of what it means to heal, having compassion for the ways we survived, and developing a practice around resilience and pleasure. Why is pleasure so important? How can we invite intentional rituals of resilience into our relationships? Why is social action so crucial to our well-being? What do human beings most need to feel their aliveness? It is s