Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 234: Feelings, emotional labor, and empathy with Kate Kenfield



If you've been thinking about working with a coach around your desire, relationship, body, or shame, I am now accepting new clients and my rates are increasing January 2019. Learn more at Why story hijacking and advice are rarely what the people we love need. Kate Kenfield is back and setting a new record for the show with her third stint as a guest. As a sex educator who is now diving deep into empathy, feelings, emotional intelligence, and self-care, we adore having brain sex and geeking out about all the things. Plus, Kate is joining us this week to celebrate a huge announcement - her Tea & Empathy cards have been turned into a Kickstarter campaign. If you've been wanting to grab some cards for yourself, the prices are awesome AND you can help Kate get this incredible resource out to even more people with your support. Check out the crowdfunding campaign here.  Plus, Patreon supporters, if you support the show at $3/month and above, you score weekly bonus content that you ca