Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 227: Better sex through mindfulness with Dr. Lori Brotto



Have you been feeling stuck in your relationship, frustrated with your body, or totally disconnected from your pleasure & desire? One-on-one coaching spots are available in my private practice and rates are going up January 1st, 2019, so now is the perfect time to book a discovery call and learn more about how coaching might help you. Check out the clients I work with and my rates today.   The power of mindfulness on our pleasure, connection, and desire. In person interviews are some of my favorite, and Dr. Lori Brotto was able to pop over for this in-person conversation all about her 15 years of sex research on the power of mindfulness, which she's turned into a fabulous book called, "Better Sex Through Mindfulness." So, this episode is  all about what mindfulness is, how it affects our levels of libido and desire, why mindfulness might be a key to more pleasure, and how to balance mindfulness and fantasy. We also talk about depression, responsive desire, responsibility in relationships, and how we can g