Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 224: Entering the friendzone & male submission



Are you ready to sign up for Take Up Space, my online boundaries workshop? Grab your spot today for just $37. Ten lessons, ten worksheets, a lifetime of shifting how you feel about boundaries. What even is the friendzone, how can a man come to terms with his submissive desires, and questioning desirability politics. This week it's just you and me before we have another tsunami of awesome guests.  First up, Angela wrote in with a question about friendzones. Why are they even a thing? Why did her friend suddenly close her out after she denied his advances without any conversation or warning? Friendzones are bullshit, so I weigh in on the lies that are "friendzones". Plus, WendyCorduroy's Tumblr post on what the friendzone rhetoric has done to her is powerful stuff. Read it here. And, be sure to check out this thoughtful response to a guy who claimed he was "friendzoned" on Scarleteen. Looking for a therapist who understands intersectionality and oppression? The Establishment has this great little resource to ge