Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 223: Virgie Tovar on fat dating, boundaries, misogyny, & diets



Do you struggle to say no without over-explaining? Do you feel hurt when people you love set boundaries that disappoint you? Are you looking for ways to stop apologizing and to start taking up more space? Well, Take Up Space, my online boundaries workshop, is now available on demand. Grab your spot today.  Dating. Sex. Boundaries. Fat bodies. Virgie Tovar must be here! Virgie Tovar always makes me think and this chat is no exception. Holy smokes I love Virgie's brain, and she is going to take us into some BIG feels. Let's talk about dating while fat. Let's talk about misogyny and sexism. Let's talk about access to pleasure and delighting in our bodies. Let's explore the ways diets and dieting impact our ability to say yes and no in bed and in relationships. Virgie has a new book about to hit shelves and it is small but VERY mighty in scope, so be sure to check it out courtesy of Feminist Press. Patreon supporters - If you support the show at the $3 level and above, I read a few paragraphs from Virgie's new bo