Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 222: Sarah Thompson on body trust, pleasure, and non-binary identity



Do you struggle to say no without over-explaining? Do you feel hurt when people you love set boundaries that disappoint you? Are you looking for ways to stop apologizing and to start taking up more space? Well, Take Up Space, my online boundaries workshop, is now available on demand. Grab your spot today.  Body trust, queer identity, pleasure in a fat body, and losing attraction for a partner with Sarah Thompson In a few days, I head to Portland for the ASDAH (Association for Size Diversity and Health) conference which will happen over my birthday weekend. The next few weeks will be all about body trust, rejecting diet culture, research around health at every size, celebration, and fat acceptance. I could not be more tickled, especially because this week Sarah Thompson, the Resilient Fat Goddess, is joining us to talk about how everything changed for Sarah - access to pleasure, setting boundaries, shifting into new queer and non-binary identities - after doing body trust work with BeNourished. Sarah and I ini