Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 220: Body trust. Trans sex woes. Self-harm scars.



Are you ready to sign up for Take Up Space, my online boundaries workshop? Grab your spot today for just $37. Ten lessons, ten worksheets, a lifetime of shifting how you feel about boundaries. A passionate lover. Body trust. Trans sex woes. Self-harm scars. Hello from Portland! I am here for BeNourished's Reclaiming Body Trust Intensive and it is hitting me hard. I'm still processing so much, and while I talk about the experience a bit this week on the show, I have some REALLY JUICY TIDBITS about trauma, bodies, trust, and healing in the Patreon bonus for the week. If you support the show at $3 and above, you get access to this truly special bonus and all the other bonuses, too. Check it out. A huge thank you to the two generous sponsors of this week's episode: TomboyX is gender-neutral, size-inclusive, eco-friendly undies and listeners get 15% off! How? Head to and then use code SEXGETSREAL at check-out for 15% off. THIS COMPANY IS JOY. More please. Sugar Bear Hair is a delicious hair